Thursday, June 17, 2004

50-state rundown on gay marriage laws

By Kavan Peterson, Staff Writer,

(Updated June 17, 2004)

Massachusetts became the first state to legalize marriage between members of the same sex May 17, as a result of a November 2003 decision by the statefs highest court that denying gay and lesbian couples the right to marry violated the statefs constitution.

Since the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruling, more than 35 states have introduced legislation aimed at preserving the traditional definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

The legislative activity takes three basic forms:

For a look ahead at the gay marriage debate, click here.

Three states – Alaska, Nebraska and Nevada – already have bans against same-sex marriage written into their constitutions. A fourth state, Hawaii, passed an amendment reserving the right to definie marriage for the state legislature.

Thirty-nine states already prohibit gay and lesbian couples from marrying with laws modeled after the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Passed by Congress in 1996, the federal DOMA bars federal recognition of same-sex marriages and allows states to ignore gay marriages performed elsewhere. Three states (Maryland, New Hampshire and Wyoming) have laws prohibiting same-sex marriage that predate the federal DOMA.

Massachusetts is the only state that has legalized gay marriage. California, Hawaii, New Jersey and Vermont provide certain privileges to same-sex couples, short of marriage. Five states (California, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin) have introduced legislation this year that would permit same-sex couples to marry.

Following is a 50-state roundup of current law and proposals to change state marriage laws.

Based on information compiled from news reports, the Human Rights Campaign and the National Conference of State Legislatures.

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